40 Days of Engage People with Jesus
This series will focus on well-known Gospel characters that had a significant life-changing encounter when they met Jesus.
A Daily Devotional is available on line.
Series Outline: AM Services
February 12:
The Ambassador: (2 Corinthians 5:20) “Take the walk”
The greatest gift we can give to people is to introduce them to Jesus who loves them, and who has a plan for their life. However, we will need to leave our circles of comfort. Leaving our circles of comfort is where Jesus can do His best work!
February 19:
The Salt and Light: (Matthew 5:13-16) “Reaching our communities with the Good News about Jesus”
If we be Jesus in our communities, we will be attractional. We will attract those far away from Jesus to Jesus by being Jesus to them!
February 26:
The Sinful Women: (Luke 7:36-50) “Our need to be forgiven”
Guilt and shame are debilitating to the soul. God knows our greatest need is forgiveness, so He sent us a Saviour. In this story, Jesus restored a sinful woman.
March 5:
The Samaritan Woman: (John 4:1-42) “Our need to be known”
Jesus had this incredible ability to bring good news to poor and outcast souls by removing barriers of social status. People knew Jesus saw beyond their label.
March 12:
The Persecutor: (Acts 9:1-18) “Having an encounter with Jesus”
Saul was on a mission to eradicate the people of ‘the Way,’ until Jesus stopped him in his tracks on the road to Damascus. Saul was the great persecutor who after meeting Jesus becomes Jesus’ great proclaimer. Jesus can change the heart of the most hardened.
March 19:
The Cost: (Luke 9:23-24; 57-62) “Being fully devoted followers of Jesus”
The Christian life is a life of following Jesus! Following Jesus will cost us something. Refusing to follow Him will cost us a whole lot more!
March 26:
ENGAGE Celebration Service
To celebrate the Engage series with testimonies and praise points. Children will also present items. Followed by water baptisms and a fellowship luncheon.
Series Outline: PM Services
February 12: The Tax Collector: (Luke 19:1-10) “Longing to be accepted”
Zacchaeus the tax collector was rejected and despised by his own people. He had a deep longing to be accepted. Everyone desires to be noticed, loved, and accepted.
February 19: The Doubter: (John 20:24-29) “Jesus rose from the dead – true or false?”
Thomas had to be convinced that Jesus rose from the dead. All what Jesus said and did fails if the His resurrection is false. All what Jesus said and did stands if the His resurrection is fact!
February 26: The Woman in the Crowd: (Mark 5:24-34) “Receiving healing”
This woman had been bleeding for several years and had tried everything to be healed… everything except for Jesus. This was her last-ditch effort. She didn’t want His attention; she just wanted His power to heal her.
March 5: The Paralytic: (Luke 5:17-36) “No more excuses”
The story of the paralytic man is about how nothing would keep him from coming to Jesus. Jesus is always available; we need to identify and deal with the obstacles in our way preventing us to come to Jesus.
March 19: The Thief: (Luke 23:26-43) “Guilt rubbed out with grace”
God doesn’t play favourites. Regardless of our background, or our status, regardless of our sin. No matter how deep our sinfulness is Jesus’ offer the grace to restore us and grant us eternity with Him.
March 26: Believers Service: Praise, Prayer & Communion
This service is set aside for a good time of praise and worship and communion followed by a time of praying for the sick and one another.