Our Team

Pr Mike Groom and Kelly GroomSenior Pastor
Mike is the Senior Pastor at Adelaide Christian Centre. He embraces people from all walks of life and cultures and envisions a church where people from every nation worship God in their own languages. With a ‘have a go’ attitude, Mike especially enjoys encouraging young people to dream big for God.

Pr Gregg Manego and Tess ManegoAssociate Pastor
Gregg is a compassionate pastor, fervent in his faith and generous in his care for people. He has a sensitive heart for others and a keen awareness of the Holy Spirit’s work. He also leads Adelaide City Care, an organisation devoted to providing practical support to people from all walks of life.
Board of Elders

Greg Crome

Hew BarnardBrown

Ian Wood

Lin Andrews

Neil Milne

Rommel Verain
Office Staff

Marita MabulacOffice Administrator

Kelly GroomFinance Administrator

Mikaela GroomGraphic Designer